Diet Changes That Can Assist With Sciatic Back Pain Issues

Posted on: 21 June 2016

If you have sciatic nerve pain, then you are likely quite familiar with the low back discomfort as well as the numbness and tingling that runs down your legs. Sciatica can be caused by bone spurs near the sciatic nerve or by a herniated disc. The condition may also be seen when the spine narrows. Sciatic nerve pain will generally resolve within a short period of time, and chiropractic adjustments can help to resolve the painful issue. If you do see a chiropractor, the professional may advise you about changes in your diet that may also help to reduce your discomfort. Keep reading to learn about some of the suggestions that may be made.

Reduce Your Intake Of Dairy 

Sciatica is an inflammatory condition where swelling places a great deal of pressure on the sciatic nerve. This pressure is what causes the pain, soreness, tingling, and numbness. This means that reducing the inflammation can help to reduce your discomfort as quickly as possible. Certain foods can cause inflammation across the body, and this is the case when it comes to dairy products. Dairy products contain sugars that elevate the blood sugar and cause the body to release cytokines. Cytokines are messenger compounds that inform the immune system where inflammation should occur.

Also, dairy products cause an increase in pH acidity throughout the body. To keep the body pH neutral, certain alkaline minerals will be released into the blood. These minerals include the calcium and magnesium in the bones that keep the bones strong. The release of these minerals can weaken the bones, and this means that the vertebrae that make up the spine may become weak. A weak spine can contribute to misalignment issues and increased pressure on the sciatic nerve.

It is wise to reduce your consumption of dairy products when you experience a sciatica issue. The vitamin D and calcium in the dairy can help to strengthen your bones, so it is best to find alternative sources of these nutrients. Vitamin D can easily be produced by the body when you sit in the sun, so go outside for at least five or ten minutes a day. Almonds, broccoli, white beans, oranges, and tofu are all good sources of calcium. 

Eat Foods That Help Support Healthy Myelin

The nerves that run throughout your body transmit sensation messages to the brain. The messages are electrochemical, and they pass from nerve to nerve until they reach the brain. To protect these messages and the flow of the electrochemical currents through the body, the nerves are covered with an insulating material called myelin. Myelin can break down over time and leave the nerves exposed to pressure and stress. This can happen across the sciatic nerve. Thankfully, you can encourage the health and strength of the nerves by assisting your body with healthy myelin production. Your diet can help with this. 

Folic acid and vitamin B12 are both essential when it comes to myelin repair and reproduction. To increase the folic acid in your diet, make sure to eat foods like spinach, broccoli, papayas, avocado, and lentils. Foods with vitamin B12 include clams, liver, tofu, crab, and salmon. You also should make sure to stay away from foods that can cause myelin to degrade or wear down. Food items that contain saturated fat and refined sugars should be avoided. Staying away from fried foods and sweets is advised while you have sciatic pain problems.

If you have a sciatica problem that causes pain across the lower back, then it is best to seek out assistance from a chiropractor so an adjustment can be made to reduce your discomfort. You also should change your diet while you experience low back pain. Avoiding dairy foods and increasing your intake of folic acid and vitamin B12 can be quite helpful. 
