Lying In Bed? Assess These Areas To Learn If Your Body Is Out Of Balance

Posted on: 26 September 2017

When you're lying in bed, you might simply be relaxing, or you could be reading or watching TV. It's worthwhile to take a few minutes while you're in this calm position to assess some different areas of your body. Even the uninformed person can spot visual differences from one side of the body to the other that may indicate the body is out of balance. If you notice such signs, there's no reason to be concerned. Instead, you can simply set up an appointment with your local chiropractor to be properly assessed and, if necessary, have your body adjusted.

Foot Position

As you lie on your back with your legs straight, put your feet together. Ideally, your ankles will touch each other at the same elevation. In some cases, however, you may notice that one of your ankles sits closer to the soles of your feet than the other. This doesn't necessarily mean that one of your legs is longer than the other. Instead, it could mean that your pelvis isn't properly aligned; this may be likely if you've been in a car accident in the past. The side of your pelvis that is tilted downward will cause the leg on that side to extend farther down that the other. Fortunately, this is something that your chiropractor can adjust.

Shoulder Position

While you remain lying on your back, check how your shoulders look. This is possible if you're able to look over to a mirror in the bedroom, although you may be able to get a sense of the position of your shoulders simply by turning your head slightly to each side. You want a degree of symmetry; in other words, your shoulders should ideally be resting at similar angles. However, it's possible that one shoulder juts upward, while the other may stay flat on the bed. This could indicate a problem with the shoulder or your upper back, and it's something for which you should seek chiropractic care.

Knee Position

As you lie on your back, draw an imaginary line from your naval down past your feet. Then, assess the relationship of each of your knees to this line. Sometimes, one knee may be turned slightly inward or outward. One way to notice this is to see if one of your feet is resting more on the outer edge of the foot than on the heel. A misaligned knee can lead to problems with your gait and discomfort. It's a good idea to seek care from your local chiropractor for this issue.
